Hair fall


Hair fall

A healthy person can lose up to 100 hairs per day. As part of the hair growth cycle, new hair strands form to replace lost strands.

Alopecia is a condition that causes your hair to fall out and grow slowly or not at all (hair loss). Hair loss can manifest itself in a variety of ways, affecting both children and adults of both genders. You may lose hair only on your head or all over your body.

How common is hair loss?

The most common type of hair loss is baldness (androgenetic alopecia). It is estimated that 80 million people are affected worldwide.

One of the most common side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss.

What makes you want to shave your head?

Hereditary hair loss is a genetic disorder (genes you inherit from your parents).
A fungal infection of the scalp.

Hairstyles that firmly pull the hair back (such as braids, extensions, or tight ponytails).
Perms and bleaches, for example, can cause process-related injuries.
Changes in hormone levels (such as pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause).
Medical (including chemotherapy and certain medications) (such as chemotherapy and certain medicines).
adequate nutrition (especially not getting enough iron or protein).
Exhausting circumstances (such as undergoing surgery or losing a loved one).

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