Loss of Eyelash
December 20, 2022 2023-05-18 15:34Loss of Eyelash

Loss of Eyelash
Eyelash loss is a natural process that absolutely all women and men face. But in some cases, it turns into a big problem. Eyelashes, like any other hair on the human body, tend to change constantly. After a certain time, the hair follicles die off, after which the hair root weakens and the eyelash falls out. In this place, a new one immediately appears and grows.
It is necessary to find out if the eyelashes really fall out more than usual. Their renewal is a natural process, which is due to the fact that the life cycle of hairs is limited. The norm is the loss of 2 to 5 eyelashes daily.
Eyelashes, like the hair on the head, have a bulb and a shaft. The root is located at a depth of about 2 millimeters and is surrounded by a follicle, in which nutrients enter the skin papilla through the blood. The visible part of the hair is called the shaft, it consists of the core, the cortex, and the cuticle.

main causes of eyelash loss in adults
The use of low-quality cosmetics can lead to eyelash loss.
Careless attitude to make-up removal.
Failure to follow the instructions for the care of eyelash extensions.
- Eyelash loss in men and women can be caused by nutritional problems.
When following a strict diet, starvation or strong and constant stress.
In addition, hormonal imbalance in the body can cause eyelashes to fall out.
Eyelash loss can be caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.
We recommend Careprost exporters if you have severe lash loss.
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